The TV program that I chose is That 70s show. I chose this TV program because he his very comic. Also, the characters are very interesting and it’s relatively easy to understand their conversation. I didn’t choose this TV program to learn a lot of things, but I hope that I will laugh and that I will pass a good time. It will be a good moment to relax and learn some different things about the life of the characters.
The principal characters are Eric, Kelso, Hyde, Fez, Donna and Jackie. They are good friends. The boyfriend of Jackie is Kelso. The name of Eric’s father is Red. The story takes place in the Wisconsin in ’70s. In the first episode, Eric’s parents give him their old Vista Cruiser station wagon. Eric was very exciting to have the permission to drive the car of his parents. Eric’s parents tell, to their son, to stay in the town with the car. Eric and his friends don’t respect the principal order of his parents because they go to a music concert out of the town. Unfortunately, the car has a breakdown.
They go to a garage, but they don’t have money to pay the reparations. They decide to give two tickets of music concert to the garage keeper. Then, Kelso and Jackie, who was supposed to see the show, are obliged to stay out of the music concert!!
3 commentaires:
Hello , Amélie
I am Shirley Zareth Jaimes,
I am from Colombia
I study Languages at UIS (University Industrial of Santander )
I read your coment about "That 70's show and I think that you did a good coment about this serie.
I think that you use well the possesives , but I find in your coment that the verb hide in past is hid .
Your text is in order in relation to main ideas ; it is logical .
Okey, my e-mail is shirleyzaza@hotmail.com, and I hope that you write to me and
send me yours .
Also , I read your other coment about That 70's show and I think that it is a excellent description about this
bye .
shirley jaimes
Amélie : That 70’s Show
Question : Why didn’t Eric want a surprise party for his birthday?
Question : Why did Eric parent’s insist to offer their son a track tape player even they knew that he wasn’t interested to?
Amélie, your blog is interresting. I'm so amazing that a eighteen years old boy doesn't like surprise party!
Hello Amélie
You have a nice blog. I don't know what is this series.I think it is a good description. The way that's you explain this show look's hillarous. When we look this show did we feel like in 70th's? Did you laught when you look this series?
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